Snap Shots

Learn about some of KHA’s past project work. Scroll over each image to see the organization with which the project was completed and click the image to read more. If you are interested in engaging KHA for a project in one of our areas of expertise, please visit our contact us page for more information on the types of projects we are currently accepting.

Snapshot: Frontline Solutions

KHA assisted Frontline Solutions with assessing its organizational strategycreating recommendations for how the Black-owned consulting firm could move forward under a CEO-led structure rather than a founder-led one.

Snapshot: Rural Education Policy Collaborative

KHA partnered with the Rural School and Community Trust’s Rural Education Policy Collaborative (REPC) to evaluate a network of rural education advocates in Alabama, Arkansas, North Carolina, South Carolina, and West Virginia.

Snapshot: MacArthur Foundation

In its work with the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, KHA developed a survey tool to help the organization better understand how its grantmaking and impact investments align with the values of justice, inclusion, and equity.

Snapshot: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

KHA’s work with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) has spanned more than a decade and has included leading a series of listening sessions across the U.S. South and Appalachia and convening a group of experts across multiple sectors, including government, nonprofit organizations, and the private sector.

Snapshot: South Carolina Community Loan Fund

KHA worked with the South Carolina Community Loan Fund to support the development of a strategic framework, board development relative to statewide expansion, and an impact model of measurable indicators that triangulate public, partner, and organizational data.

Snapshot: School Food Focus

In working with School Food Focus, KHA developed an evaluative framework for the Southern Regional Learning Lab that aimed to link the quality of school meals with regional procurement of sustainably produced protein and produce.

As part of its work, KHA engaged seven districts and their partners in the development of quantitative and qualitative measures to capture progress and impacts. The work with School Food Focus also involved developing a theory of change model that conveys how the effort will create systems change.

Snapshot: National Healthy Drinks Coalition

KHA supported the National Healthy Drinks Coalition of the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at the University of Connecticut on the development of a written health equity action plan to inform Rudd’s Voices for Healthy Kids work plan. As part of the project, KHA developed concrete recommendations for implementation based on stakeholder input, advised the Rudd Center in identifying potential partners, and facilitated topic-specific meetings related to health equity.

Snapshot: Notah Begay III Foundation

KHA’s work with the Notah Begay III Foundation included facilitating a participatory strategic planning process that gleaned input from content and methodological experts in research, evaluation, geospatial mapping, and Native American child health. Based on this input, KHA constructed conceptual models and a strategic framework as well as guided the national programming team in the development of work plans. The KHA team developed internal and external evaluation processes and approaches and made recommendations for policy programming based on the landscape of social determinants of health in Indian Country.

Snapshot: 11th Hour Project

Keecha Harris and Associates worked with the 11th Hour Project of the Schmidt Family Foundation to provide support through a participatory process on the development of overall organizational strategy inclusive of equity and justice in environmental grantmaking. KHA developed a strategic framework through the engagement of funded partners, the board of directors, staff, funders, and other stakeholders. For evaluation, the KHA team tracked progress through the collection of qualitative and quantitative programmatic data to inform future grantmaking.

Snapshot: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota

For Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota, KHA facilitated a community wellness planning process between the health insurer and its corporate partner. In addition, KHA conducted surveys and interviews to gauge the interests and intentions of the business community in wellness programming. The KHA team also reviewed literature, assessed local resources, analyzed community input, and made recommendations for an active living strategy.